Anyone who has lost a close family member, a spouse, a parent or sibling, is obligated to say Kaddish for the year following his or her passing, but he may not be able to attend a minyan three times a day to say Kaddish. There are other times, when someone lost a friend or relative, but he or she knows that there will not be anyone to say Kaddish for the deceased. In these cases, one may appoint a student at the Yeshiva to say Kaddish for the year after the passing of the lost family member or friend three times a day.
*Payment for the dedication can be divided in up to 12 installments.
בכל שבוע עורך הרב דניאל זר פדיון נפש ע"פ הקבלה המסוגל לבטל גזרות רעות ולשלוח לכם ישועות!
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